Author Guideline
Author Guideline
1. Articles must be prepared in editable Micro Soft word format and should be sent to on line submission an email attachment for reviewing and suggested modification. After recommendation by the concerned editor, the English article should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Hindi article This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for publication.
2. Abstract. The most widely-read section of an article. Maximum length: 250 words. It includes values and quantities clearly states: the importance of the article.
3. Article should not exceed 2000-2500 words; however it may exceeds the limit if necessary to complete the sentence but not more than 2500 words in any case.
4. Title should be short and informative of the content with 16 font size of bold times new roman
5. Complete addresses of all authors should be given below the title with 12 font size of times new roman, (for Hindi kruti dev font) and email of corresponding author must be given after the addressees with 11font size of bold times new roman.
6. The text should be clear, giving complete details of the article in simple English and Hindi both the language. It should contain summary of the article, short introduction and complete methodology and results. Authors must draw conclusions of their articles at last. Abbreviation should be written in full at first time. Scientific names and technical nomenclature must be accurate. Tables, figures and photographs should be relevant and appropriately placed with captions among the texts.
7. Most importantly all authors must sign a article certificate describing their role in the article and taking responsibility of all disputes if arises from their contents in the article.
8. References- One indicator of research quality is cited literature and current references must not exceed 15 years from publication. Authors must correctly note full references verifying that all text references are included in Literature Cited and vice versa.
Example of References: Bali, B. Meghawal, D.R. and Kumar, A. 2015. Tulsi (Ocimum L.): Its Cultivation and Uses in Traditional Medicine. Popular Kheti, 3(3):210-213.
Sen, L. and F. Cuesta. 2008. Use of laccaseproducing microorganisms in membrane systems for polluting agents removal: consideration and perspectives. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Biotechnology, 68:401-411.
Roy, S.M., De, G., Mora, M., Peirano, P. and Zunino, H. 2002. Balance and distribution of sulphur in volcanic ash-derived soils in India. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 34:1355-1362.
(Kisaan e - patrika)